So you want to hire article writers to help fuel your business. This step can help you engage more readers on your website and guide them toward purchasing with you. But now you have to figure out where to find the best professionals in your area. And that’s no easy...
Content marketing is an important part of a marketing plan. Yet many companies are making huge mistakes in their strategy – or worse, engaging in content marketing with no clear strategy. Learn the 13 unforgivable marketing mistakes many companies are making and how...
So much information that’s available about blogging focuses on those looking to make money off affiliate links for lifestyle blogs. But corporate blogging is a part of inbound marketing strategies where you work to bring in your customers through great content....
I can’t think of a better person to answer the question, who is a freelance copywriter than someone who has been doing it for four years as their sole career. I left my corporate job behind in August 2019 to focus on remote writing work. So what is a freelance...
People often ask what is the difference between a content writer and a copywriter? On the surface, it seems like a different name for the same thing. But there actually is a small nuance between the two terms. If you’re hiring a writer of some sort, you’ll want to...