I like the term SEO-friendly copywriting. Often the industry just talks about SEO copywriting but then it makes it seem like all we are writing for is algorithms and not people. SEO-friendly copywriting starts with the customer and their needs. From there, it involves...
Freelance copywriters are generally members of the creative team. They are responsible for editing and writing content for a variety of projects. These professionals can sit within your teams and function just like an extension to your team or they can be fully...
As you work to develop your content marketing plan, you might be wondering if you should pay for a guest post. The answer to that question will vary based on where you’re at in your content marketing journey and maturation process. Learn more about the right time to...
The question of whether it is better to hire a freelancer or write blogs yourself is a complicated one to answer. That’s because there are many factors that will influence which is the best move for you. To help you decide what’s best for you, here’s a look at several...
Content marketing is an important part of a marketing plan. Yet many companies are making huge mistakes in their strategy – or worse, engaging in content marketing with no clear strategy. Learn the 13 unforgivable marketing mistakes many companies are making and how...