As you evaluate the best way to bring expertise to your business, you might be considering hiring a freelancer vs. copywriter. In most cases, these are just two different names for the same outcome. However, there might be some differences in what you experience as far as working with a freelancer than you would with someone who calls themselves a copywriter.

Here’s what you need to know as you conduct your search.

Freelancer vs Copywriter: What’s the Difference

Take a moment to learn what the terms freelancer and copywriter each mean so you can better understand what is best for you.

What is a Freelancer?

Freelancer is a broad term meaning someone who offers their skills on a contract basis. A freelancer can be a writer, but they can also be a computer programmer or graphic designer.

One thing to note about freelancers is that they might offer their services after hours in addition to a full-time position. The term freelance doesn’t mean that the individual does this work as their only income. It could be a side gig or they might be making a full career out of freelancing.

During the interview process, ask the freelancer how much availability they have during a traditional work day. This will tell you how easy it is to reach them and how seamless working with them will be. It’s not so much that you care whether the freelancer is making a career out of contractual work as much as you want to know how easy communication will be throughout your project.

What is a Copywriter?

A copywriter is an individual skilled in writing content. This can be blogs, sales content, website copy, brochures, etc. They might work full-time, part-time or on a contractual basis just like a freelancer. These professionals might refer to themselves as freelancers or they might not.

It’s more common for someone calling themselves a copywriter for hire to have daytime hours to communicate with you than someone calling themselves a freelancer.

That’s not a hard line though and worth discussing during interviews with the individual.

Freelancer Benefits

Freelancers are contractors for hire. You’ll experience many benefits when working with these individuals.

  • Acquire a skillset you don’t currently have on a project basis
  • Work with a contractor without the need to provide benefits
  • You’re in charge of setting timelines and expectations for each project
  • Projects can get underway right away without the lags of hiring someone full-time
  • Contractors help businesses be more flexible and agile while meeting budgetary constraints
  • You can draw from a larger talent pool than you might be able to when hiring full-time
  • Commit to expenses for a shorter period than hiring full or part-time employees

Copywriter Benefits

Looking to get some high-quality content for your business on a contractual basis? Here’s what you can experience when hiring a copywriter.

  • Time savings for you and your employees to focus on other things
  • Increased conversion rates thanks to professionally written content
  • Fresh perspective for your business
  • Outside eye to tell you how your audience will perceive your voice and tone
  • Persuasive copy that leads to better outcomes
  • Writing with objectives and goals in mind
  • Optimized content based on the channel and your unique audience

So Who Should You Hire?

Ultimately, the term freelancer versus copywriter is just a nuance of speech. Working with a freelancer might provide the right resources based on your company’s needs. Or you might find that working with a copywriter is the right move for your business. The most important thing is to screen these professionals carefully to find exactly what you’re looking for to accomplish your goals. Ensure that they have adequate skills to complete your project and understand the timeline they are committing to.

Bridge the Gap Communication offers outstanding copywriting services. We also partner with a variety of other freelancers to offer recommendations for where to find high-quality marketing services we don’t offer. So let’s connect and talk about how our network can help accomplish your goals this year. Schedule your free consultation now to learn more.