
What You Need to Know About Corporate Blogging

What You Need to Know About Corporate Blogging

So much information that’s available about blogging focuses on those looking to make money off affiliate links for lifestyle blogs. But corporate blogging is a part of inbound marketing strategies where you work to bring in your customers through great content....

Who Is a Freelance Copywriter?

Who Is a Freelance Copywriter?

I can't think of a better person to answer the question, who is a freelance copywriter than someone who has been doing it for four years as their sole career. I left my corporate job behind in August 2019 to focus on remote writing work. So what is a freelance...

Why You Need to Review Old Blog Content Annually

Why You Need to Review Old Blog Content Annually

I’ve spent the last few months reviewing my blog content and it’s astounding to see where the industry has gone just in the two years since I started my company blog. While the topics from 2020 are still relevant, the details within those blogs are no longer modern,...

How Often Do I Need to Publish Blog Content?

How Often Do I Need to Publish Blog Content?

It’s the age-old question of what is the minimum I have to do to see results? And regardless of whether you’re asking the question related to content marketing or how much to spend on pay-per-click ads, the answer is it depends. Many businesses want to know how often...

Why I Hate Those One-Sentence Per Paragraph Blog Posts

Why I Hate Those One-Sentence Per Paragraph Blog Posts

You’ve seen them. You know what I’m talking about. It’s those one-sentence paragraph blog posts designed to grab your attention. But when I read them, it just feels choppy. I constantly scroll and never get in a reading rhythm. And so I just bounce and find the...

Characteristics of the Best Copywriters

Characteristics of the Best Copywriters

No one will be shocked to learn that people aren’t searching for mediocre copywriters. What everyone wants are the best copywriters that they can afford.  But the challenge that many small businesses face is that they aren't copywriting experts. Questions for...

If you are looking for a reliable and professional copywriter who is also a fast learner, get in touch today.
  • Copy Writing
  • Information Architecture
  • Content Strategy
  • Product Reviews